Wednesday, September 22, 2010


As anyone who has read this blog before may have noticed, I have been MIA for a month and a half.  I have been seriously struggling with something in my head and heart, and I haven't really felt okay with posting it for the world to see haha.  Don't think I haven't been reading my scriptures! 

What was it, you may ask? Well.  I really struggle with the idea that people you care about in your life maybe don't care as much back.  I go out of my way to be with people who make me happy and who I am going to spend eternity with, and yet none of it is reciprocated.  No, gracing me with your presence is not a means of appreciation, people.  Do you think I enjoy long drives, late hours, and being ignored when someone better comes along?  Does loyalty mean nothing in these latter days? 

Winnie the Pooh once said, "If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus one day so I never have to live without you."  Call me Pooh.  I could not stand to be without the people I care about.  Death is a horrible, haunting occurrence that is rapidly approaching many aspects of my life.  People I love will soon be gone, and that will be awful for me.  Why is it so easy for people to be so selfish?  I have NEVER seen this kind of selfishness before!  To see how little you mean to others when you have given them everything you've got.... I am simply shocked. 

To be continued.